let’s make sure we’re on the same wavelength

From simple reviews to full blown dissertations, the topic here is music. Put your headphones on, pick a playlist, and come ride the waves.

Lyndsey Green Lyndsey Green

Ranking “The Forever Story” One Year Later

While some may lose themselves in the glitz and glam of celebrity, JID’s only goal is to make it to the other side of forever knowing he did everything he could to keep his soul in tact. But which songs on The Forever Story hit that goal and which fall a little flat?

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Lyndsey Green Lyndsey Green

Top Albums of 2023 So Far

While people on socials claim that the music industry has died out this year, I’ve been listening to quite a few albums on repeat that prove the opposite. Below are ten of my personal favorites (plus a few extras) from just the first six months.

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